Press Release

DWCI awarded project for upgrading isomerization unit to produce food grade hexane

DWC Innovations / 06 January, 2022 / Press Release

HOUSTON – DWC Innovations has been awarded the revamp project to upgrade C5/C6 Isomerization unit in a southeast Asian refinery to produce an additional Food/Polymer Grade Hexane product. This first of its kind advanced distillation project will use dual dividing wall column technology to produce four product streams in an existing Deisohexanizer column. The revamped DWC column combines the functionality of four conventional columns into a single shell of a Deisohexanizer column.

The scope of the project includes basic engineering package for Ben Prime & Dual DWC Prime Technologies.

DWC Innovations awarded dividing wall column project in LOBS unit of Indian refinery

DWC Innovations / 06 January, 2022 / Press Release

Houston, TX: DWC Innovations in cooperation with Koch Glitsch has been awarded the design of a grassroots Dividing Wall Column (DWC) Project in Lubricating oil base Stock (LOBS)  unit of an Indian refinery.  This DWC column produces four precise cuts and combines three conventional distillation columns into one. The scope of the project includes basic engineering package and supply of internals for the DWC column.

Manish Bhargava, Director of DWC Innovations said, “We are involved in multiple grassroots and revamp DWC projects in India. Having realized the potential of DWC technology, Indian refineries are undertaking complex DWC projects to further save CAPEX, OPEX and plot space.”

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